
April 2024

Gen-X :: Social Extraction

By |April 21, 2024|

It’s been about a week since I deleted Twitter/X from my phone.

It’s incredible to me how doing so shifted my focus from drama posts that hit me rapid fire (all of which I had zero control to change in any meaningful way), back to creative pursuits. How shortly after deleting the app I found my mind returning to the contemplative state needed to create.

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting – I get it – but it has to be kept on a tight leash with your engagement being strictly limited.

I’m lucky to be Gen-X, where I can remember growing up happy without these devices, and still posses the fortitude to extract myself from them. If I were born ten years later it might have been near-impossible, and may have found myself believing everything posted bares any relation to reality.

Dipped Out

By |April 17, 2024|Tags: , , |

Every now and then you gotta bail on social media. It presents the world as the most hellish place, and the constant clout chasing, selling, scamming, grifting is repelling.

I read Mark Millar’s Reborn and enjoyed it. The exposition shoe-horned into the dialogue took me out of the moment from time to time, but overall it ended strong and I was moved.

It’s after you’ve done anything other than social media that you realize what a tragic waste of time it is, and how much further along we’d be if we stayed off of it.

I would really like someone to invent another way to find and cultivate a readership.

On Top of It

By |April 17, 2024|Tags: , |

I’ve found a new Project Management app (boring topic, but essential for us creatives who run a business), called Ora.

The free version is tremendous, and in the future, when I bring on other artists/inkers/colorists/letterers, etc. into the production process, this app will help me keep these slackers in line! Now there is no excuse; it works on every platform and browser out there.

So the whip is coming out – now to figure out how to use it on myself…


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